Are You Bait?
The Official Glowtoad Test

This carefully calibrated test has one hundred percent accuracy in determining whether you are Bait.

Do you even like Bait, or not?

Bait smiling

Yes, I love Bait.

No, Bait is simply not for me.

Unsure, Bait is on thin ice.

What is your favorite color? Pick one:

Bait looking weird and purple









How bright are you?

Bait glowing intensely

Intense — I blind enemies with my brightness.

Faint — Sometimes I glow slightly, but it’s hard to tell.

Dull — Embarrassingly, I must use flashlights in the dark.

What do you feel like? Are you…

Bait floating in the water

Smooth, like a frog.

Rough, like a toad.

I am unfamiliar with the basic differences between frogs and toads.

How do you typically eat?

Bait showing his extraordinary tongue

Rapidly — Using my extraordinary tongue.

Delicately — Using my nimble fingers and precise toes.

Politely — Using my fork, knife, spoon, and plate.

How do people describe you?

Bait surrounded by the Baitlings

“The life of the party.”

“Happy spending time alone.”

“Sorta froglike in demeanor.”

Are you old? Be honest.

Bait reading a book, probably

Old — But everyone says I look great for my extraordinary age.

Young — Too young to read yet, I’m just picking answers randomly.

Where do you fit?

Bait grumpily being in a bag

Anywhere I please.

Somewhere small like a satchel, backpack, or large purse.

Perfectly in the arms of my friend.

All of the above.

None of the above.

How do you taste?

Bait hanging from a horse by his tongue

Bad — I’m certain that I taste awful.

Unique — I might be an appetizer, but not a main course.

Fragrant — Whenever I swim, fish approach and start nibbling.

Incredible — I am canonically delicious.

On a scale of 1–5, how grumpy are you?

Bait getting wet with Ezran

5 — Extremely grumpy all the time.

4 — Fairly grumpy for most of the time.

3 — Moderately grumpy with moderate frequency.

2 — Slightly grumpy during short and infrequent periods.

1 — Absolutely never grumpy for any amount of time.

Congratulations. You are Bait.

Bait smiling

Small, bright, yellow, grumpy, and delicious.

These words describe Bait. And whether you like it or not, they also describe you. Because based on your responses, you are Bait. Feel free to tell your friends and family, but they probably already know. After all, it’s pretty easy to distinguish people who are Bait from those who are not. Good luck, and stay away from water.

Sorry. You are not Bait.

Bait flying through the air

There is only one Bait, and unfortunately it’s not you.

Did you know that Bait could be hundreds or even thousands of years old? The fact is, we simply don’t know for sure. Perhaps you are also hundreds or thousands of years old. But we also don’t know for sure because this is not a quiz about your age. It’s a quiz about Bait. And based on your responses, all we know for sure is you’re not Bait.

You are not Bait. You are Aaron Ehasz.

Twitter screenshot showing Aaron Ehasz confused about frogs and toads.

Aaron Gabriel Ehasz (born June 16, 1973) is a creator and executive producer of the Netflix television series The Dragon Prince — the show that Bait appears in.

Several social media posts by Aaron Ehasz indicate that he is unfamiliar with the basic differences between frogs and toads. Your responses indicate that you are also unfamiliar with these basic differences. This suggests that you may, in fact, be Aaron Ehasz. While we congratulate you on your achievements, including creating Bait himself, we kindly recommend that you consult the following helpful resource:

What is the Difference Between a Frog and a Toad?

Answer: “If the skin is smooth and moist, you’re likely looking at a frog. If it’s dry, rough, and bumpy, you’re likely looking at a toad.”