A Brief History of the Lodge

About The Banter Lodge

Conveniently located in the woods outside of the Katolis castle, the Banther Lodge is the ultimate relaxation spot for kings, queens, other royalty, and recently even dragons! Nearly everyone knows about the Banther Lodge and they are understandably curious about this magnificent structure. Here are some frequently asked questions:

Is the Banther Lodge real?

Yes; in fact, all lodges are real, but the Banther Lodge is especially so.

How old is the Banther Lodge?

Nearly all historical records of the Banther Lodge have been lost to time, including who built it and why. However, a panel of expert Katolian architects recently examined the building and concluded the Banther Lodge was constructed before the dawn of humanity — that’s old!

What is happening inside the Banther Lodge?

Contrary to popular belief, nothing is happening inside the Banther Lodge.

This beautiful building is the subject of many rumors and legends, but all of these stories are confirmed to be false. In reality, the inside of the Banther Lodge contains only high-quality hardwood flooring, hardwood ceilings, hardwood walls, and hardwood bread.

Can you visit the Banther Lodge?

Only two individuals are allowed inside the Banther Lodge at this time.

Unless you are one of these two people, you may not enter the Banther Lodge. Due to a recent incident, the Banther Lodge is not accepting visitors. This incident is entirely unrelated to the previously discussed rumors and legends. Thank you for your interest in the Banther Lodge.

Which came first, the Banther or the Lodge?

The natural habitat of the banther stretches across the continent, including both Xadia and the Human Kingdoms. However, as most banther enthusiasts would agree, the banther is unusually attracted to the woodlands surrounding the Banther Lodge.

Over time, these unique creatures eventually become known as “banthers.”